“Look Here To Enter This”, colored pencil, graphite, ink, white-out and oil on Panel, 16”x16”, 2023
Email: kbc2135@columbia.edu
Cell: 917-517-1359
Bio & Artist Statement
Kevin Cobb is a painter and digital artist, born in Baltimore, MD and based in New York City, where he lives with his brilliant wife. He received his HSD from the Carver Center for Arts and Technology, his BFA from The Maryland Institute College of Art, and his MFA from Columbia University. He has shown in Baltimore, New York, and London, and won several awards for his paintings and digital artworks.
Every good artist or magician says reality is perception, but the malleability and multiplicity of perceptions revealed in the digital age shows the truth must be even stranger than that. With my art practice I review, augment, and fragment my perceptions to reflect a modern relationship to the truth. Drawing from masters of design and perception like Van Eyck, Holbein, and Escher, using old and new tools, I make artworks that impart a kaleidoscopic consciousness, and challenge viewers to question what they see, and who is seeing. By this subjective subversion I soften prejudices, raise doubt, and render identities more concerned to know our unknown or unacknowledged margins, toward, I believe, more inclusive and faithful hearts and more perfect views of reality.
Please contact me if you have questions or commission proposals.
Portrait Drawing and Painting
2D & 3D Illustration
3D Modelling/Animation